Hi there...

I am Tse-Hsun Yu

I am a college student at TKU CSIE

No pain no gain. Keep working hard!

about me
my photo

about me

my photo

Hi, I am Tse-Hsun Yu.

I am a student at TKU CSIE. I am a goal-oriented person with high mobility, courageous in the pursuit of goals, and not afraid of hardship. This is a trait that I use not only in practicing volleyball but also in learning programming. I have a clear goal to work towards when learning programming, and even if the learning process is hard, it is worth it. I hope I can learn more during my college years and develop a career in the data analysis industry after graduation.

age : 19

gender : male

languages : mandarin, english

work : student at TKU CSIE

phone : 0934330798

email : andrew770426@gmail.com

country : Taiwan(Republic of China)

habits : volleyball , coding

my skills

C++ Programming 95%

C Programming 70%

Python Programming 55%

HTML/CSS/JavaScript Programming 20%

>> 3+

years of learning

>> 3+

certificates got

>> 13+

small projects completed

>> 4+

programming languages aquired

my services

private tutor

This service provides for the student who is interested in C++ programming, or the student who is going to take the APCS exam.
Courses include Basic I/O, variables, control flow, loops, arrays, pointers, functions, structures, classes, templates.


my academic portfolio and statement of purpose

2018 - 2019

c++ programming part 1

C++ is the first programming language that I have learned. It also took me into the world of programming. We learned about variables, control flows, repetition structures, and so on. After learning these, we know more about how computers work in the back-end, and how computers store the data.

2019 - 2020

c++ programming part 2

In the second year of learning C++ in school, we learned about arrays and functions. But I thought this was not enough to become an expert in C++ programmer. Therefore, I've signed up for an extra class in C++ Programming to improve my skills. I'm glad that I met a good teacher. He helped me a lot!

2020 - 2021

data structures & algorithms

After I finished the class C++ programming, I started to learn data structures and algorithms. This subject is more complicated than basic C++ programming, but it is one of the most important subjects for programmers.

2021 - 2022

front-end web designing

I spent some time learning basic HTML/CSS. Then, I tried to create my website. Because I did not spend too much time, creating my website is still hard work for me. I will keep learning it!

c programming part 1

The first programming language taught in the Tamkang University's course was C. Since I had already finished the C++ programming language, which is similar to C, last year, I was able to understand the class quickly and take detailed notes to help others students in the class. I was able to understand the class quickly and take detailed notes to help the other students in the class.

2022 - 2023

c programming part 2

In this semester, we will learn about pointers, functions, and structure design.

python programming

Python is a very suitable programming language for data analysis, and I want to develop my career in this direction in the future. I plan to learn Python syntax first and try to design some small programs for data analysis so that I can get familiar with this technique.

data analyzing

The future will be filled with large amounts of big data, so data analysis will become a very important technology. For businesses and organizations of all kinds, the ability to turn data into actionable intelligence can be the difference between success and failure. To maximize the value of data, data analytics is used: a process that analyzes raw data to obtain results.

2023 - 2024

java programming

Java is used for the Internet of Things and APIs, in big data technologies, e-commerce websites, high-frequency financial trading platforms, and scientific applications.

seminar in CSIE

This is the graduation project which is needed to be produced in my junior year of college.

my projects


sort simulator

bouncing ball

bouncing ball


Line Bot

assistant robot

Discord Bot

singly circular linked list

linked list simulator

definite intergral

Definite Intergral

spade ace

Black Jack



contact me

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